The benefits of wild talc honey for sex, are they really present? This is what we will get to know in detail and in scientific studies in the article.
Many are wondering about
the benefits of the wild talh honey, so the following article was allocated to
mention the truth of these benefits:
Benefits of wild talc
honey for sex: Are they present?
Yes, the benefits of
wild talc honey for sex exist, and the matter does not stop at this type of
honey, but the benefit is produced from all kinds of honey without exception,
and this answer resulted after conducting many studies, the most prominent of which
was the following:
1. The
first study
This study specialized
in the effect of honey on the levels of testosterone in the blood in the males,
and it was found that eating honey really increases the levels of this hormone
through several mechanisms, represented in the following:
Increasing the production of the lutein hormone, with
its existence, testosterone increases.
Promote cell activity that affects testosterone levels.
Inhibition of aromatase in the testes.
Star genetic expression enhance.
Reducing oxidative damage in cells.
It is worth noting that
the high testosterone hormone increases sexual desire, and thus the study will
be completely understood.
2. The
second study
This study took place on
a group of mice, where a daily dose was given by 80 milligrams per kilogram,
according to its weight, and after 30 days the levels of testosterone were
measured to find that the free and total testosterone hormone rose.
3. The
third study
This study was concerned
with mentioning the benefits of wild tallah honey for sex and reproductive
ability, and it has been created that it has the ability to increase sexual
desire as well as to increase reproductive capacity and contribute to the
treatment of fertility problems resulting from hormone disorder.
The benefits of honey
did not stop there, but it was found that it has the ability to contribute to
the treatment of some gynecological diseases, such as: vaginal candidiasis
Are the benefits of wild
talc honey for sex only?
No, although previous
studies included males of human beings and mice, it is scientifically the high
level of testosterone in specific proportions in the body of women increases
their sexual desire.
This was confirmed in
multiple studies, including a study that specialized in menopause and the
effect of testosterone on their sexual ability, and it was found that it has an
effect in increasing it.
How to choose honey
To choose a good and non
-adulterated honey, it is recommended to follow the following guidelines:
Choose raw honey, and you can go to the farmer to buy
and verify how pure it is.
Choosing an unspeakable honey, as some companies treat
honey with heat in order to kill the germs that may be present in it, but this
may reduce the effectiveness of its composition.
Methods of collecting the
benefits of wild talh honey for sex
Benefits are collected
by eating wild talcine honey or any types of honey in the following methods:
Eat a tablespoon of it on an empty stomach in the
Sweetening coffee, tea or juices in it.
Mix with yogurt, grains and oatmeal.
Distribute it to the toast bread, then grease the
bread with peanuts.
· Mix it with a nigella to obtain double benefits in improving sexual ability, as a study was found that the nigella has the ability to maintain the levels of testosterone in the blood and increase it at times.