Honey mixture for premature ejaculation


Some men may experience premature ejaculation, and there are many treatments to slow this process, including the use of honey and ginger mixture, to get to know it in this article.

Honey mixture and another for early ejaculation

Most men tend to seize five to six minutes in sexual intercourse, but ejaculation may occur in an early stage, so we offer you a mixture of honey to speed up ejaculation in the following article:

Causes of premature ejaculation

Early ejaculation is a condition in which men tend to ejaculate before a deep penetration stage, so sex ends in a short period.

The reason is unknown, but in general men who have low levels of chemical serotonin takes short time to download.

Emotional factors can also play a role, such as:

·        Pressure nervous.

·        depression.

·        Topic performance.

·        Relationship problems.

Where men who are concerned about erectile dysfunction are a rapid impulse of ejaculation.

Honey mixture for premature ejaculation

Honey is a sweet and nutritious substance, and people usually consume and do not realize many of the benefits associated with it, as it helps to resist skin infections and enhance sexual performance.

You can prepare the honey mixture to tear and increase fun while having sex by preparing the following ingredients:

·        A cup of milk.

·        A teaspoon of ginger.

·        A spoonful of honey.

Mix a tablespoon of honey with ginger in one cup and add it to boiling milk, then take this mixture regularly to overcome the speed of ejaculation.

Other mixtures treat premature ejaculation

After identifying the honey mixture for the speed of ejaculation, here are some other mixtures that slow the ejaculation process:

1.     Asparagus powder: Boil two tablespoons of asparagus powder with one cup of milk for ten minutes, then drink it twice a day regularly.

2.     Saffron and almonds: Soak the almonds for 10 minutes in the water in the evening, and the next day, remove the skin from the almonds and put it in a cup of cow's milk with cardamom powder and ginger in a workshop of saffron.

3.     Garlic: Another natural component is usually available in each kitchen, and a 2 to 3 cloves of garlic are usually consumed to improve ejaculation time.

4.     Carrots: Cut the carrots smooth and mix it with honey.

5.     Lifestyle changes: Avoid eating a lot of coffee, tea, alcohol and smoking, and trying to practice yoga because it helps to overcome ejaculation problems.

Benefits of honey for sexual ability in general

There is no doubt that honey has tremendous benefits for a healthy sexual life, including:

1.     Increases sexual desire: Honey improves your mood because of its sexual lustful properties, as honey can greatly raise your desire.

2.     It improves sexual performance in men and women: it generally enhances the consumption of natural honey from your sexual performance, as smooth blood flow to the genitals facilitates, in turn, to stronger erection.

3.     It slows down the speed of ejaculation: Honey helps slow the time when husbands gather from sexual intercourse, because of its role in slowing premature ejaculation.

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