10 best herbs for liver health: benefits and considerations

Certain herbs have been linked to improved liver health, making them popular natural medicines of choice for people with liver disease and those who want to support liver health.
Many people around the world suffer from liver-affecting diseases, including cirrhosis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), alcoholic liver disease, liver cancer, liver failure, and hepatitis (1).

Each year, the liver disease kills nearly 2 million people worldwide (23).

Risk factors for liver disease include heavy alcohol consumption, hyperglycemia, obesity, hypertension, viruses, elevated triglycerides, and elevated cholesterol levels (4, 5).

Liver disease can be treated in a variety of ways, including medication, nutritional therapy, immunotherapy, lifestyle changes, surgical resection, and even liver transplantation for end-stage liver disease. 6789

In addition to standard treatments, many people turn to alternative therapies, including herbal supplements, in the hope of improving and protecting liver health. In fact, about 65% of people with liver disease in the United States and Europe take herbal supplements (10).

Here are the 10 best herbs that have been shown to improve liver health.

An important consideration

Many herbs, including some on this list, maybe unsafe for people with certain liver diseases.

Some herbs have been linked to liver damage and other complications, which is why it's crucial to consult your healthcare provider before adding any herbal supplements to your diet, including those on this list.

1. Silybum marianum (silymarin)

Silymarin, commonly known as silymarin, consists of a group of compounds extracted from the seeds of Silybum marianum, including silybin, silymarin, and silymarin. 10

Milk thistle has been used for more than 2,000 years to treat bile duct and liver disease, and research suggests that it may have liver-protecting properties. 11

It has been proposed that silymarin has a strong antioxidant effect that may help promote liver cell regeneration, reduce inflammation, and benefit people with liver disease. However, the results of human studies are mixed (12).

For example, some studies suggest that taking silymarin supplements may help prevent liver disease progression, prolong the lives of people with alcoholic cirrhosis, and improve the overall quality of life for people with liver disease. 13141516

however, other studies have shown that silymarin is no more effective than placebo therapy, highlighting the need for further research (13171819).

In any case, silymarin is considered safe and does not produce adverse side effects even when used in high doses. 19

Summary: silymarin may benefit people with certain liver diseases, including alcoholic cirrhosis. However, more research is needed.

2. Ginseng

Ginseng is a popular herbal supplement known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties (20).

Many test-tube and animal studies have shown that ginseng has antioxidant effects that may help prevent liver damage caused by viruses, toxins, and alcohol. In addition, it promotes the regeneration of liver cells after surgery (21).

In addition, some human studies have shown that ginseng treatment can improve liver function and reduce fatigue and inflammation in patients with liver disease and liver dysfunction (222324).

For example, a 2020 study of 51 men with elevated levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (a marker of liver damage) found that people who took 3 grams of ginseng extract daily for 12 consecutive weeks had significantly lower ALT compared to placebo in groups (24).

Levels of another marker of liver damage, γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT), were also significantly reduced. 24

While these results are promising, more research is needed to investigate the effects of ginseng on liver health.

When used alone, ginseng is considered relatively safe for liver health. However, ginseng has the potential to react with the drug, leading to liver damage and other potentially dangerous side effects. 252627

Summary: ginseng may help prevent liver damage and is generally considered safe. However, it has the potential to react with certain drugs, leading to dangerous side effects.

3. Green tea

Although technically it is not an herbal remedy, green tea and its main polyphenol compound epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) often appear in literature reviews of herbs focused on treating liver disease. 28

Some studies have found that supplementation with green tea extract may help treat patients with liver disease.

A study of 80 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) found that supplementation with 500 mg of green tea extract daily for 90 days significantly reduced liver damage markers ALT and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). 29

Although the placebo group also noted a decrease in AST and ALT levels, they were not significant (29).

Another 12-week study of 80 patients with NAFLD observed significant improvements in AST, ALT, and inflammatory markers in those who took 500 mg of green tea extract daily compared to placebo. The treatment also reduces fat changes in the liver (30).

Green tea intake has also been shown to prevent a variety of liver diseases, including liver cancer, hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver (hepatic steatosis), and chronic liver disease. 31

While most people consider it safe to drink green tea, in rare cases, green tea extract supplements have been linked to acute liver injury. 32

Summary: green tea and green tea extracts are associated with powerful liver protection. Keep in mind that in rare cases, green tea extract has been linked to liver damage.

4. Licorice

Although people often think of chewy sweets when it comes to glycyrrhiza glabra, it is indeed an herb with powerful medicinal properties (33).

Scientific studies have shown that licorice root has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and hepatoprotective effects. 33

The main active ingredient in licorice is the compound glycyrrhizin, which is often used in Chinese and Japanese medicine to treat a variety of diseases, including liver disease. 33

Some studies have suggested that treatment with licorice extract may be beneficial for people with certain liver diseases.

A study of 66 patients with the fatty liver disease found that supplementation with 2 g of licorice root extract per day for 2 months significantly reduced ALT and AST compared with placebo. 34

In another small study, 6 healthy people took a glycyrrhizic acid product before drinking vodka every night for 12 consecutive days, and 6 people drank vodka for only 12 days per night.

In the pure vodka group, markers of liver damage, including ALT, AST, and GGT, were significantly increased. In the glycyrrhizin group, there was no significant increase in these markers, suggesting that glycyrrhizin may help prevent alcohol-related liver damage. while these findings are promising, more research is needed.

What's more, some people are more sensitive to licorice, and long-term use of licorice products can lead to dangerous side effects, including high blood pressure and hypokalemia (36).

Summary: Licorice supplementation may benefit people with NAFLD and prevent alcohol-related liver damage. It is important to note that some people may be more sensitive to licorice supplements and that they can cause adverse side effects.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric and its main active ingredient, curcumin, have been linked to a variety of impressive health benefits.

There is ample evidence that turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-cancer properties, which makes this herb a popular choice for people with liver disease. 37

A study of patients with NAFLD showed that taking 500 mg of curcumin product daily for 8 weeks significantly reduced liver fat levels and AST and ALT levels compared to the placebo group. Another study of 70 patients with NAFLD found that those who supplemented with 500 mg curcumin and 5 mg of piperine daily for 12 weeks had significantly lower ALT, AST, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and inflammatory markers compared with the placebo group (39).

Piperine is a compound found in black pepper that enhances the absorption of curcumin.

It was also observed that curcumin treatment significantly improved the severity of NAFLD compared to the placebo group. 39

Supplementation with turmeric and curcumin is generally considered safe. However, some cases of acute liver injury have been reported. Still, it is unclear whether these cases are due to contamination of curcumin products or to the products themselves (40).

Summary: Research suggests that turmeric supplementation may help treat NAFLD and reduce inflammation. Turmeric is generally considered safe, but there have been some reports of liver damage cases.

6. Garlic

Although garlic is botanically considered a vegetable, it is a popular ingredient in many herbs. It is rich in potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory plant compounds such as allicin, allicin, and archon that may help support liver health (4142).

A 2020 study of 98 patients with NAFLD found that those who took 800 mg of garlic powder daily for 15 weeks had significantly lower ALT, AST, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglyceride levels compared to the placebo group. 42

What's more, 51 percent of participants in the garlic group experienced improvements in the severity of liver fat accumulation, compared to only 16 percent in the control group (42).

Another study of more than 24,000 adults found that men who consumed raw garlic more than 7 times a week had a 29% lower risk of fatty liver disease. Although raw garlic intake in men was inversely correlated with NAFLD, this association was not seen in women. 43

In addition, one study linked raw garlic intake to a lower risk of liver cancer. Eating raw garlic twice a week or more may reduce the risk of liver cancer by 23% compared to eating raw garlic less than twice a week. 44

While raw garlic is generally considered safe, concentrated garlic supplements can cause liver damage in some people (45).

Summary: Raw garlic and garlic powder have liver-protecting properties that can improve liver health in people with NAFLD. Eating raw garlic can prevent liver cancer. Garlic is generally considered safe but may cause liver damage in some people.

7. Ginger

Ginger root is a popular culinary ingredient and is also often used as a medicine to treat many health problems, including liver disease.

A 12-week study of 46 patients with NAFLD found that supplementation with 1,500 mg of ginger powder per day significantly reduced ALT, total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, fasting blood glucose, and inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP), compared with placebo (46).

Another study observed similar results. Patients with NAFLD who were supplemented with 2 grams of ginger had significantly lower ALT, GGT, inflammatory markers, and liver fat accumulation compared to the placebo group. 47

Ginger root contains powerful compounds, including gingerol and gingerol, that help inhibit inflammation and prevent cell damage, which may help support liver health. In addition, ginger may help protect your liver from toxins such as alcohol (4849).

Ginger is generally considered safe, even for those with liver disease. However, you should always consult your healthcare provider (50) before supplementing with a high-dose ginger product.

Summary: Taking ginger supplements may help reduce liver damage and lower cholesterol, blood sugar, and inflammation in people with NAFLD. Ginger is generally considered safe.

8-10 Other herbs with hepatoprotective properties

In addition to the treatments listed above, many other herbs have also been linked to improved liver health.

8. Salvia

Salvia is a substance commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is the dried root of the medicinal salvia (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge). Human and animal studies have shown that salvia may have a positive effect on liver health.

Animal studies have shown that salvia may help prevent alcohol-related liver disease and promote liver tissue regeneration, while some human studies have shown that salvia injections may help treat liver fibrosis when used in conjunction with other herbs. 515253

9. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is a popular herbal supplement linked to improved liver health. For example, one rodent study showed that ginkgo Biloba injection reduced liver fibrosis and enhanced liver function. 54

Although ginkgo Biloba has been associated with mild adverse side effects, it has not been particularly associated with liver damage. 55

10. Astragalus

Astragalus is a commonly used edible herb in traditional Chinese medicine. It is rich in medicinal compounds, including saponins, isoflavones, and polysaccharides, and has a powerful therapeutic effect (56).

It is generally considered safe and is not associated with liver damage. However, it can interact with certain drugs (57).

Rodent studies have shown that astragalus, when used alone or in combination with other herbs, may help prevent fatty liver caused by fibrosis and a high-fat diet. 585960

Summary: in some animal and human studies, salvia, Ginkgo Balboa, and astragalus have all been linked to improved liver health. However, more research is needed.


although some herbal treatments may help treat or prevent liver disease, it is crucial for anyone interested in using herbs to treat liver health, it is crucial to speak with a qualified healthcare provider first.

This is because many herbal treatments are toxic to the liver and can be dangerous to take, especially for those with liver disease or other medical conditions (61).

In fact, herbs have been linked to liver damage and even death. Both single herbs and mixtures of herbs have the potential to cause serious damage to your liver (62).

What's more, herbal supplements can be contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, drugs, and bacteria that can harm your liver (63).

In addition, many herbs interact with common medications, leading to liver damage and even death. 63

While some herbs may be safe for you, many others are not, so you should always consult your healthcare provider before taking any herbal supplements.

Summary: since many herbs cause liver damage and interact with common medications, you should always consult your healthcare provider before taking any herbal supplement, especially if you have a condition that affects your liver.


Certain herbs have been linked to improved liver health, making them popular natural medicines of choice for people with liver disease and those who want to support liver health.

While some herbal supplements are considered safe and can even treat certain liver diseases, many other herbs can compromise liver health.

If you have questions about herbal remedies for liver disease or are interested in taking herbal supplements to support your liver health, be sure to consult with a knowledgeable healthcare provider for advice.

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