13 sour foods that leave your mouth shut

 Sour is one of the five basic tastes, and a taste of sour indicates the presence of acid in the food, such as citric acid or lactic acid.

Sour is one of the five basic tastes, along with bitterness, sweetness, savouriness.

Sourness is the result of a large amount of acid in food. For example, citrus fruits contain large amounts of citric acid, giving them a distinctive wrinkled lip flavor (12).

However, unlike the other five flavors, researchers still do not fully understand the mechanisms by which sour taste receptors work, or why some acids cause a more intense sour taste than others do. 1234

As in the case of bitterness, the detection of sourness is considered important for survival. It can help identify foods that may be dangerous to eat, as spoiled or spoiled foods often have a sour taste due to the growth of bacteria (56).

However, this does not mean that eating sour foods is always unsafe.

In fact, many sour foods are nutrient-rich and rich in plant compounds called antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage. 78

Here are 13 mouth-watering, sour foods that can be a healthy addition to your diet.

1. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are known for their vivid colors and unique flavors.

Although they all have a hint of sourness, the sweet-sour balance varies greatly between the different types.

Some of the more sour citrus fruits include:

  • Calamanco: A small green citrus fruit that tastes similar to lime or sweeter lime
  • grapefruit: a large tropical citrus fruit with a sour, slightly bitter taste
  • kumquat: small orange fruit, sweet and sour, edible peel
  • lemon: a yellow citrus fruit with a strong sour taste
  • lime: a small green citrus fruit that tastes sour but not sweet
  • orange: citrus with a wide variety of varieties, varying in size and taste, some sweeter than others
  • grapefruit: a very large citrus fruit that is yellow when fully ripe and tastes similar to grapefruit, but is less bitter

Citrus fruits contain a high concentration of citric acid, a natural compound found in a variety of fruits with a sour and sour taste.

In addition to being the best natural source of citric acid, these fruits are also known to be rich in vitamin C, which is essential for a strong immune system and skin health (91011).

They are also a good source of many other nutrients, including fiber, B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and copper, as well as plant compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (12).

Limejuices such as lemon and limejuice add a bright flavor to marinades and salad dressings, while slightly sweeter fruits, including oranges and grapefruit, can be peeled and eaten separately as a snack.

2. Tamarind

Tamarind is a tropical fruit native to Africa from the Tamarinds indica tree (13).

When the fruit is still young and not yet ripe, its green flesh is very sour.

As the fruit ripens, the flesh softens into a paste and becomes sweeter and sour (13).

Similar to citrus fruits, tamarind contains citric acid. However, most of its sour taste is due to its high concentration of tartaric acid (1314).

Tartaric acid is a naturally occurring compound that has been shown to have antioxidant properties that may help prevent the formation of kidney stones (15).

In addition to being naturally present in fruits such as tamarind and grapes, tartaric acid is also used as a food additive to provide a sour taste (15).

Nutritionally, tamarind is a good source of many essential nutrients, including vitamin B, magnesium, and potassium (14).

It is also very versatile, as pulp can add a sweet and sour flavor to marinades, chutneys, drinks, and desserts.

3. Rhubarb

Rhubarb is a unique vegetable that has a strong sour taste due to its high concentration of malic acid and oxalic acid (1617).

In addition to being very sour, the rhubarb stem is also very low in sugar. As a result, they have an unpleasant sour taste and are rarely eaten raw.

Instead, they are often cooked and used as ingredients in sauces, jams, or beverages. They are also often mixed with sugar and other fruits to make pies, potato chips, and breadcrumbs.

Aside from vitamin K, rhubarb is not particularly high in multivitamins or minerals. However, it is a rich source of plant compounds with antioxidant properties, including anthocyanins (1618).

Anthocyanins are potent antioxidants responsible for making rhubarb stems appear bright red. They have also been shown to prevent a variety of chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. 1920

4. Sour cherries

Tart cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) is a small stone fruit with a bright red and sour taste (21).

Compared to sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.), tart cherries are lower in sugar but contain many malic acids, which is why they are sour (21).

Tart cherries are also rich in antioxidants, especially polyphenols. These plant compounds have been linked to reduced inflammation and improved brain and heart health (2223).

In addition, drinking tart cherry juice may help reduce muscle damage and soreness caused by exercise in athletes and active adults. 2425

Denucleated cherries can be easily added to a healthy diet by adding them to salads, placing them on yogurt or oatmeal, boiling them into a sauce or marinade, or mixing them into smoothies.

5. Gooseberry

Gooseberries are small, round fruits that come in a variety of colors and taste from sweet to sour (26).

They contain a variety of organic acids, including citric acid and malic acid, which are responsible for their sour taste (27).

Studies have shown that these organic acids may also be beneficial for heart health and have antioxidant and antibacterial properties. 2728

Another benefit of gooseberries is that they are an excellent source of vitamin C. Just 1 cup (150g) provides 46% of the Daily Value (DV) (29).

After washing, gooseberries can be eaten separately as a snack or added to oatmeal, yogurt, or salad. Keep in mind that they can be sour. For a sweeter taste, look for more ripe gooseberries.

6. Cranberries

Raw cranberries have a strong sour taste due to their low sugar content and high concentration of organic acids, including citric and malic acids (30).

In addition to providing a sour taste, their unique combination of organic acids is believed to be part of the reason cranberry juice and capsules help prevent and treat urinary tract infections (UTIs). 3031

While cranberry juice is high in sugar and low in fiber, whole cranberries are a nutritious addition to your diet because they provide important nutrients such as manganese, fiber, and vitamins C and E (32).

Cranberry is also one of the richest sources of quercetin, a plant compound associated with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. 333435

Fresh cranberries can add sourness to mixed green and grain salads, sauces, and chutneys, while dried cranberries can be mixed into homemade granola bars or trail blends.

7. Vinegar

Vinegar is a liquid made by converting sugars into alcohol by fermenting carbohydrate sources, such as grains or fruits. To aid this process, bacteria are often added to further break down sugar (36).

One of the by-products of this fermentation process is acetic acid, the main active ingredient in vinegar and the main reason why vinegar tastes very sour (3637).

in animal studies and in some small human trials, acetic acid has been shown to help reduce weight, reduce fat, and control appetite, as well as to control blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. 383940

However, more research is needed to determine effective and safe doses to provide these benefits to humans.

There are many varieties of vinegar, each with its own flavor, depending on the source of carbohydrates they ferment. Common types include rice, cider, red wine, and balsamic vinegar.

Vinegar is commonly used as an ingredient in sauces, marinades, and seasonings. More delicious vinegar such as balsamic vinegar can also be drizzled over dishes such as pizza, pasta, and sandwiches.

8. Kimchee

Kimchee is a traditional Korean side dish made from fermented vegetables and spices.

Usually made with cabbage, the mixture of vegetables and spices is first pickled in salty brine. It is then fermented with bacillus to further break down the natural sugars in the vegetables, producing lactic acid (41).

This lactic acid gives kimchee its signature sour taste and flavor.

Used as a side dish or condiment, kimchee is a good source of probiotics. Therefore, regular consumption of kimchee is beneficial for heart and gut health (4243).


9. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is believed to have originated in China and is a fermented cabbage commonly found in German cuisine.

Similar to kimchee, sauerkraut is made by fermenting shredded cabbage with bacillus bacilli, producing lactic acid. It is this lactic acid that gives sauerkraut its unique sour taste (44).

Due to fermentation, sauerkraut is often enriched with beneficial bacteria known as probiotics, which are important for digestive health. 4546

It is also rich in fiber and several important vitamins and minerals such as manganese, vitamin C, and K (47).

While it can be a nutritious way to add flavor to a sandwich or meat dish, keep in mind that sauerkraut is also high in sodium.


10. Yogurt

Yogurt is a popular fermented dairy product made by adding live bacteria to milk. When bacteria break down the natural sugars in milk, lactic acid is produced, giving yogurt a sour taste and smell (48).

However, to make yogurt less sour, many products also add sugar and flavorings.

In addition to being a good source of probiotics, yogurt is also rich in protein, calcium, and phosphorus—all of which are important for bone health (4950).

In addition, regular intake of yogurt has been recommended to help obese patients lose weight. 5152

Plain yogurt can be paired with fruit as a healthy snack. It can also be used as a fat substitute in baking or as a substitute for mayonnaise or sour cream in salad dressings and dips.

11. Kefir

Often described as drinkable yogurt, kefir is a fermented beverage made by adding kefir grains to cow's milk or goat's milk (53).

Because kefir cereals contain up to 61 species of bacteria and yeasts, they are considered a more diverse and powerful source of probiotics than yogurt. 54

Like other fermented foods, kefir has a sour taste, which is mainly due to the lactic acid produced during fermentation. In addition, similar to yogurt, kefir products often add sugar and flavorings to make them sweeter and sourer.

Interestingly, individuals who are intolerant to lactose (a sugar in milk) may tolerate kefir well, as most lactose is converted to lactic acid during fermentation. 55

However, for the 100% lactose-free option, kefir can also be made with non-dairy products such as coconut water or fruit juice.

12. Kombucha

Komp tea is a popular fermented tea beverage that dates back to ancient times (56).

It is made by mixing black or green tea with sugar, yeast, and specific bacterial strains. The mixture is then allowed to ferment for 1 week or more (56).

The resulting drink has a frowning sour taste, which is mainly due to the formation of acetic acid, which also contains acetic acid (56).

While both black and green teas are rich in antioxidants that may help reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer, there is a lack of research on whether drinking CommScope has the same protective effects. 5758

13. Apricots

Apricot (Prunus mume), also known as plum or Chinese plum, is a small round fruit that is usually dried or pickled before consumption (5960).

Dried and pickled apricots — known as umeboshi — are particularly acidic because they contain high concentrations of citric acid and malic acid (59).

Because they are rich in antioxidants and high in fiber, animal studies have shown that apricots may have anti-cancer properties and benefit digestive health. However, studies on humans are lacking (616263).

Sun-dried and pickled apricots are often paired with rice to add a strong sour taste. However, considering that they are also high in sodium, it is best to use them in moderation.


Sour is one of the five basic tastes, and a taste of sour indicates the presence of acid in the food, such as citric acid or lactic acid.

While sourness can be a warning sign that food spoils or rots, many sour foods are completely safe and healthy.

Some anti-wrinkle foods that also have nutritional value include citrus fruits, tamarind, rhubarb, gooseberry, pickles, yogurt, and kefir.

Try adding some sour foods to your diet to add flavor and health benefits.


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