8 amazing benefits of sauerkraut


sauerkraut is incredibly nutritious and healthy.


sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage that has great health benefits.


it is thought to have originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. at the time, fermentation was one of the methods used to prevent food from deteriorating rapidly (1).


sauerkraut has stood the test of time and has become a popular side dish and condiment in many cultures. it is particularly popular in Germany, where its name comes from Germany.


thanks to fermentation, sauerkraut provides far more nutritious and health benefits than fresh cabbage.


this article outlines the 8 health benefits of sauerkraut and provides a step-by-step guide on how to make your own sauerkraut.


1. sauerkraut is very nutritious


sauerkraut contains many nutrients that are important for optimal health. one cup (142 g) is provided (2):


  • calories: 27
  • fat: 0 g
  • carbohydrates: 6 g
  • fiber: 4 g
  • protein: 1 g
  • Sodium: 41% of the daily value (DV)
  • Vitamin C: 23% DV
  • Vitamin K1: 15% of DV
  • Iron: 12% of DV
  • Manganese: 9% of DV
  • Vitamin B6: 11% DV
  • Folic acid: 9% of DV
  • Copper: 15% of DV
  • Potassium: 5% of DV


sauerkraut is particularly nutritious because it undergoes fermentation, during which the microorganisms on the cabbage digest its natural sugars and convert them into carbon dioxide and organic acids.


fermentation begins with yeast and natural presence in the cabbage and your hands, as well as the bacteria in the air, in contact with the cabbage sugar.


sauerkraut fermentation creates conditions that promote the growth of beneficial probiotics that are also found in products such as yogurt and kefir. (3)。


probiotics are bacteria that provide powerful health benefits. they also help make food more digestible, thereby improving the gut's ability to absorb the vitamins and minerals it contains (45).


however, unlike cabbage, sauerkraut can be high in sodium. keep this in mind if you are paying attention to your salt intake.


summary: sauerkraut is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. its probiotics can also help your body absorb these nutrients more easily, which is what makes sauerkraut more nutritious than raw cabbage or coleslaw.


2. improve your digestion


your gut is said to contain more than 100 trillion microbes, or "gut microbiota," more than 10 times the total number of cells in your body (6).


unpasteurized sauerkraut contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria and are the first line of defense against toxins and harmful bacteria. they can also improve your digestion and overall health (478).


probiotics like those in sauerkraut can help improve the balance of bacteria in the gut that is disturbed by the use of antibiotics. this helps reduce or prevent antibiotic-induced diarrhea (91011).


studies have also shown that probiotics help reduce gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and symptoms associated with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. (12131415)。


Probiotic supplements may contain 1-50 billion colony-forming units (CFUs) per dose. In contrast, 1 gram of sauerkraut may contain 100-100 million CFU (1617).


different probiotic strains offer different advantages. therefore, consuming multiple strains may give you a wider range of health benefits.


in this regard, sauerkraut may have an advantage. studies have reported that one serving may contain up to 28 different strains of bacteria (18).


like most other fermented foods, sauerkraut contains a variety of enzymes that help break down nutrients into smaller, more digestible molecules. (4)。


summary: sauerkraut is a source of probiotics that offer many potential health benefits. it also contains enzymes that help your body absorb nutrients more easily.


3. strengthens the immune system


sauerkraut is a source of immune-boosting probiotics and nutrients.


first, the bacteria that fill your gut can have a strong effect on your immune system. the probiotics in sauerkraut may help improve the balance of gut bacteria, which in turn helps keep the gut lining healthy.


a stronger intestinal lining helps prevent unwanted substances from "leaking" into your body and causing an immune response (19202122).


maintaining a healthy gut flora also helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and can even promote the production of natural antibodies. (23242526)。


in addition, regular consumption of probiotic foods such as sauerkraut can reduce the risk of infections, such as the common cold and urinary tract infections. (27282930)。


if you do get sick, regular consumption of probiotic-rich foods may help you recover faster (293031).


In addition to being a source of probiotics, sauerkraut is also rich in vitamin C and iron, both of which contribute to a healthy immune system. (32333435)。


In particular, when you have a common cold, increasing your intake of vitamin C may help you get rid of your symptoms more quickly (3637).


Summary: Sauerkraut is a source of probiotics, vitamin C, and iron, all of which help boost the immune system.


4. Can help you lose weight

regular consumption of sauerkraut can help you lose weight and maintain your weight.


this is partly because sauerkraut, like most vegetables, is low in calories and high in fiber. a high-fiber diet keeps you feeling full longer, which can help you naturally reduce the number of calories you consume per day (38394041).


the probiotic content of sauerkraut may also help trim the waistline.


the exact reason is not entirely clear, but scientists believe that certain probiotics may have the ability to reduce the amount of fat the body absorbs from the diet (4243).)

various studies have reported that participants who took probiotic-rich foods or supplements lost more weight than those who took a placebo. (444546)。


a recent study even reported that participants who deliberately overdose on probiotics reduced body fat by about 50% compared to overfeeding participants who took a placebo. this suggests that a probiotic-rich diet may even help prevent weight gain (47).


however, these results are not universal. in addition, different probiotic strains may have different effects. therefore, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of sauerkraut-specific probiotic strains for weight loss (4849).

summary: the low calorie, high fiber, and high probiotic content of sauerkraut may help prevent weight gain and promote the reduction of unwanted body fat.


5. helps reduce stress and maintain brain health


while your emotions affect what you eat, the reverse is also considered correct. what you eat can affect your mood and brain function.


a growing body of research has found a close link between the gut and brain.


they found that the type of bacteria present in your gut may be able to send information to your brain that affects how it works and how it perceives the world (505152).


for example, fermented probiotic foods such as sauerkraut help build a healthy gut flora, which studies have shown may help reduce stress and keep the brain healthy. (53545556)。


Probiotics have been found to help improve memory and reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, autism, and even obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). (51)。


sauerkraut can also maintain brain health by increasing the gut's absorption of mood-regulating minerals, including magnesium and zinc. (50)。


That said, some researchers warn that compounds in sauerkraut may interact with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), a drug used to treat depression, anxiety, and Parkinson's disease. (5758)。


individuals taking these medications should consult their healthcare provider before adding sauerkraut to their diet.


summary: sauerkraut promotes a healthy gut flora and may increase the absorption of mood-regulating minerals from the diet. both of these effects help reduce stress and keep the brain healthy.


6. may reduce the risk of certain cancers


cabbage is the main ingredient in sauerkraut and contains antioxidants and other beneficial plant compounds that may help reduce the risk of certain cancers.


The researchers believe that these compounds may help reduce DNA damage, prevent cell mutations, and stop excessive cell growth that normally leads to tumor development. (585960)。


the cabbage fermentation process may also produce specific plant compounds that inhibit the growth of precancerous cells. (6162)。


certain genes have been linked to an increased risk of cancer. the expression of these genes is sometimes regulated by compounds in the foods you eat.


two recent studies suggest that cabbage and sauerkraut juice may help reduce the risk of cancer by reducing the expression of cancer-related genes. (636465)。


in another study, researchers observed a reduced risk of breast cancer in women who ate large amounts of cabbage and sauerkraut from teenager to adulthood.


women who consumed more than 3 servings per week had a 72% lower risk of breast cancer than those who consumed less than 1.5 servings per week. (66)。


another study on men showed that cabbage had a similar effect on the risk of prostate cancer (67).


however, the number of studies is limited, and not all studies have found the same results. therefore, more needs to be done before strong conclusions can be drawn.


summary: sauerkraut contains beneficial plant compounds that can reduce the risk of cancer cells developing and spreading.


7. may promote heart health

sauerkraut may contribute to heart health.


that's because it contains a lot of fiber and probiotics, both of which may help lower cholesterol levels (68697071).


Probiotics, such as those found in sauerkraut, may also help lower blood pressure slightly in people with high blood pressure. People seem to be getting the best results when they take at least 10 million CFUs a day for more than 8 weeks (72).




Vitamin K2 is believed to help reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing calcium deposits from accumulating in arteries (73).


In one study, regular intake of vitamin K2-rich foods was associated with a 57% lower risk of dying from heart disease during the 7- to 10-year study period. (74)。


Another study showed that for every 10 micrograms of vitamin K2 consumed by women per day, their risk of heart disease was reduced by 9% (75).


For reference, 1 cup of sauerkraut contains about 6.6 mcg of vitamin K2 (76).


Summary: The amount of fiber, probiotics, and vitamin K2 in sauerkraut may help lower cholesterol levels, slightly improve blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease.


8. helps strengthen bones




More specifically, vitamin K2 activates two proteins that bind to calcium, the main mineral in bones. (7778)。




For example, a 3-year study of postmenopausal women observed that people who took vitamin K2 supplements lost slower rates of age-related bone mineral density. (79)。


Similarly, several other studies have reported that vitamin K2 supplementation reduces the risk of spinal, hip, and non-spinal fractures by 60 to 81 percent. (80)。




Summary: Sauerkraut contains vitamin K2, a nutrient that promotes healthier and stronger bones.


how to buy sauerkraut


you can easily find sauerkraut in most supermarkets, but not all types you come across are the same.


to make sure you're getting the most out of store-bought sauerkraut, keep in mind these simple tips:


  • avoid pasteurized varieties. ready-made sauerkraut is usually pasteurized, a process that kills beneficial probiotics. refrigerated varieties are unlikely to be pasteurized, but check the labels to make sure.
  • avoid preservatives. many store-bought brands of sauerkraut contain preservatives, which may reduce the number of probiotics.
  • avoid added sugar. sauerkraut should contain only two basic ingredients: cabbage and salt. some varieties may also add extra vegetables, but avoid those that add sugar or anything else to the mixture.


or, to make sure you get all the health benefits of sauerkraut, you can make it yourself.


summary: by choosing a non-pasteurized variety that doesn't contain added sugar or preservatives, you'll get the most out of your store-bought sauerkraut.


how to make sauerkraut


making sauerkraut is simple and cheap. that's it:


base sauerkraut

raw material


  • 1 medium-sized cabbage
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of shoppingunionized salt
  • 2-3 carrots, chopped (optional)
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped (optional)


prepare a 1-quart (1-liter) jar for sauerkraut, a small 4-ounce (120 ml) jar for pressing it, and a kitchen scale to weigh your cabbage mixture.




  1. if you want to add carrots and garlic, first put them in a large bowl.
  2. discard the outer leaves of the cabbage and set aside a better leaf. then, cut the cabbage into quarters, leaving the core. this makes chopping easier.
  3. cut the cabbage into large bowls and add the carrot and garlic mixture. add enough cabbage to bring the total weight to 28 ounces (800 grams) for a jar of 1 quart (1 liter).
  4. add the salt and massage in the cabbage mixture for a few minutes until the brine begins to build up at the bottom of the bowl.
  5. place the cabbage mixture in a clean 1 quart (1 liter) jar and press down to remove air bubbles. pour the remaining brine into the jar. the air in the jar can breed harmful bacteria, so make sure the mixture is completely submerged.
  6. trim the cabbage leaves that were previously set aside to the size of the jar opening. place it on top of the mixture in a jar to prevent the vegetables from floating to the surface.
  7. place a 4 oz (120 ml) lidless jelly jar inside a larger jar on top of the mixture. this will keep your vegetable mixture under the brine during fermentation.
  8. screw the lid onto the 1 quart (1 liter) jar. it will press the jelly jar down, keeping the cabbage mixture under the brine. loosen the lid slightly so that the gas escapes during fermentation.
  9. place it at room temperature and avoid direct sunlight for 1-4 weeks.


remember, the larger the cabbage head you start using, the sweeter your sauerkraut will be and the better it will taste.


if you're impatient to taste your creations, you can taste them after 7 days. the longer you let it ferment, the stronger the flavor.


summary: follow the steps above to make your own cheap and delicious sauerkraut at home.


long story short

sauerkraut is incredibly nutritious and healthy.


eating sauerkraut can help you boost your immune system, improve digestion, reduce your risk of certain diseases, and even lose weight.

for maximum benefit, try eating a little sauerkraut every day.

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