Curiosity transforms the brain to promote learning and memory

 Have you ever found yourself reading the same boring sentence over and over again without remembering what it said?

Brain scans show how curiosity combines with the brain's memory and reward circuitry, thereby improving our ability to learn new information.

Have you ever found yourself reading the same boring sentence over and over again without remembering what it said? A new study published in neurons may be able to explain why.

The team found that curiosity promotes activity and interaction in three parts of the brain: the nucleus acc (NAcc) and the substantia nigra/ventral cover area (SN/VTA), which is part of the brain's reward circuit, and the hippocampus, which is responsible for forming new memories.

This is your curiosity brain

To measure curiosity, the researchers gathered a group of volunteers and asked them to rate a series of trivia questions based on whether they already knew the answer and how curious they were about knowing the answer. The researchers then measured their brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), while the volunteers learned the answers to the questions.

For each project, participants looked at the question and then showed an unrelated, neutral face for two seconds before displaying the answer. After that, the next day, they tested again to see which answers they remembered, and which faces.

As expected, volunteers were better at remembering the answers they wanted to know, with about 17 percent more correct answers to these questions being remembered. However, they also improved by 4 percent in recalling the faces that appeared after these questions — uninteresting, irrelevant information. The memory differences persisted until the next day.

So how can curiosity help you learn something completely unrelated? The answer may lie in the way the brain anticipates and rewards learning.

Scientists have known for years that the positive process of learning involves the hippocampus. "What surprised our study was that when someone was waiting for interesting information, the activity of the hippocampus increased, as if curiosity had heated up the hippocampus in advance," said Matthias Gruber, lead author and postdoctoral researcher of the study. The UC Davis Center for Neuroscience was interviewed by Healthline. "Curiosity... It may put the brain in a state where it is more likely to retain new information, even if that information isn't what makes you curious at first. ”

The hippocampus isn't the only brain region associated with curiosity — NAcc and SN/VTA also show greater activity when people are curious. "This means that curiosity is recruiting key areas of the 'reward circuit,' suggesting that satisfying curiosity can feel rewarding because it stimulates a very basic neural circuit that will be more rewarding... Important rewards are for reacting," Gruber said.

The hippocampus and sn/vta also increased their communication in anticipation of answers. The more they communicated, the better the participants' ability to learn new information.

"Some people learn better when they're curious, while others are less curious," gruber explains. "People who showed more activity in these brain regions were more capable of learning from the collateral when they were generally curious. This suggests that the effect of curiosity on learning varies from person to person, and these differences are intricately linked to brain regions that process rewards and form memories. ”

Learning is about

Gruber hoped his findings would be useful to educators. "Teachers often have to convey material that students are generally not interested in," he said. "Teaching can be improved by first stimulating students' curiosity to stimulate questions they are motivated to answer, and then presenting less interesting material in this situation."

The study could also reveal conditions that affect rewards and memory, such as parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injury, depression, and neurological disorders such as aging. Curiosity can be used to help support damaged reward circuits, or it can be directly stimulated to enhance memory.

While the 4 percent increase doesn't seem like much, Gruber thinks the impact of curiosity could be much greater than he measured in the lab.

"We may be underestimating the impact of curiosity on the real world," he said. "Even if we are able to arouse curiosity, the environment in the lab is still quite artificial, and we may not be able to arouse strong curiosity as much as the real world." we expect curiosity to have a greater impact in real life. ”



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