Do coffee and caffeine inhibit iron absorption?


Caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea have been shown to inhibit the absorption of iron.

Caffeinated foods and drinks have become staples in most modern diets.

Coffee is one of the most popular coffees, with 80% of U.S. adults drinking it (12).

Caffeine is a natural stimulant. However, some people claim that it interferes with the absorption of certain nutrients, such as iron.

Therefore, some people are advised to avoid drinking coffee and caffeine.

Here is everything you need to know about how coffee and caffeine affect iron absorption.

Coffee and caffeine can inhibit iron absorption

Multiple studies have found that coffee and other caffeinated beverages reduce iron absorption.

One study found that drinking a cup of coffee while eating a hamburger reduced iron absorption by 39%. Drinking tea, a known inhibitor of iron absorption reduces iron absorption by up to 64% with meals (3).

Another study found that drinking a cup of instant coffee during a bread meal reduced iron absorption by 60 to 90% (4).

What is more, the stronger the coffee or tea, the less iron is absorbed (3).

However, caffeine does not appear to be the main substance interfering with iron absorption.

In fact, one study found that caffeine itself binds only to about 6% of the iron in the diet. Given that this is a relatively small amount, other factors will certainly affect the absorption of iron (5).

In addition, regular coffee consumption may also have an impact on the level of iron storage.

A large study found that in older adults, drinking a cup of coffee a week was associated with a 1% reduction in ferritin levels, a protein that indicates iron storage levels. (6

However, it is important to remember that the effects of coffee and caffeine on iron absorption seem to depend on when you drink coffee. For example, drinking coffee one hour before a meal had no effect on iron absorption (7).

Summary: Along with meals, coffee and other caffeinated beverages are associated with a 39-90% reduction in iron absorption. However, caffeine itself can only bind a small amount of iron.

Other substances affect the absorption of iron

Caffeine is not the only substance known to interfere with iron absorption.

The polyphenols in coffee and tea are considered major inhibitors of iron absorption.

These include Chlorogenic acid, which is mainly found in coffee, cocoa, and some herbs. In addition, the tannins in black tea and coffee inhibit the absorption of iron (48).

These compounds bind to iron during digestion, making it more difficult to absorb (910).

Their effect on iron absorption is dose-dependent, meaning that iron absorption decreases as the number of polyphenols in food or drink increases. (911

In one study, drinking a beverage containing 20-50 mg of polyphenols per serving reduced iron absorption in bread meals by 50-70%. At the same time, beverages containing 100-400 mg of polyphenols per serving can reduce iron absorption by 60-90% (4).

Another study found that ingesting 5 mg of tannin inhibited iron absorption by 20%, while 25 mg of tannin decreased by 67% and 88% by 100 mg. (9

Summary: polyphenols in coffee and tea inhibit iron absorption by up to 90%. The more polyphenols you consume, the more likely they are to inhibit absorption.

Dietary type affects the absorption of iron

The absorption of iron is complex and is influenced by many dietary factors.

There is evidence that the type of food you eat has a greater impact on iron absorption than drinking coffee or caffeinated beverages.

Certain types of foods can enhance the absorption of iron, while others inhibit it. The type of iron you consume is also important.

Iron is found in food in two forms – heme iron and non-heme iron.

Non-heme iron, which is mainly found in plant foods and is relatively unstable, is influenced by many dietary factors. Only 2-20% of non-heme iron is absorbed (10).

In contrast, the absorption of heme iron, which is only present in animal tissues (meat, poultry, and seafood), is much higher, at 15 to 35 percent. This is because it is fully absorbed and is not affected by other dietary factors (12).

Therefore, coffee and caffeinated beverages are more likely to inhibit the absorption of non-heme iron in plant foods but have little effect on heme iron in animal foods.

In addition, the addition of animal protein, vitamin C, and copper to the diet can enhance the absorption of non-heme iron and reduce the negative impact of coffee and caffeinated beverages on iron absorption. (13

Therefore, the food you choose and the type of iron you consume will determine the effect of coffee and caffeinated beverages on iron absorption.

Summary: many dietary factors affect the absorption of iron. Coffee and caffeinated products inhibit the absorption of non-heme iron from plant foods. However, they have little effect on the heme iron found in animal tissues.

Should you reduce your intake of coffee and caffeine?

Several studies have shown that for healthy people who are not at risk of iron deficiency, coffee and caffeine are not associated with iron deficiency. (141516

Many people get enough iron from the food they eat. Regularly consuming adequate amounts of vitamin C and heme iron from meat, poultry, and seafood can help overcome iron suppression caused by drinking coffee and tea. (1718

However, this may not be the case when the intake of polyphenols is very high (17).

For those at risk of iron deficiency, drinking a lot of coffee and tea may not be the best idea (19).

High-risk groups include women of childbearing age, infants and young children, people on poor or restrictive diets (such as vegetarians), and people with certain medical conditions (such as inflammatory bowel disease).

However, these groups may not necessarily want to quit coffee and caffeine altogether.

Instead, people at risk are advised to follow these helpful tips (111418):

  • drink coffee or tea between meals
  • wait at least an hour after a meal before drinking coffee or tea
  • increase heme iron intake through meat, poultry, or seafood
  • eat iron-fortified foods
  • Eat calcium-rich and high-fiber foods separately from iron-rich foods, such as whole grains.

This will help limit the effects of coffee and caffeinated beverages on iron absorption.

Summary: healthy people at low risk of iron deficiency do not need to limit coffee and caffeine. However, those at risk of iron deficiency are advised to avoid coffee and caffeine during meals and wait at least an hour after meals before consuming them.


Caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea have been shown to inhibit the absorption of iron.

However, this is more likely due to their polyphenol content than the caffeine itself.

Caffeinated foods and drinks are not associated with iron deficiency in healthy people, as the absorption of iron is influenced by many other dietary factors.

However, those at risk of deficiency benefit from avoiding coffee and tea during meals and waiting an hour after a meal for coffee or tea.


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