The ancient Persians believed that the walnut would help you become smarter, no wonder it is similar to the human brain. Therefore, only kings and nobles were allowed to use it. Fortunately, these days, everyone can afford the "royal" nut. And it doesn't just have to, it should. After all, this is a unique product that can not only replace milk and cutlets, but also stand guard over our health.

Instead of meat, fish and milk
Walnuts are rich in vitamins A, B, C, PP, E. Moreover, the latter is presented in a unique form of gamma-tocopherol, and therefore is able to work especially actively to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Nuts contain many vital elements of the periodic table: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, zinc, fluorine, selenium, copper, manganese, iodine and others.
This type of nuts contains the most polyunsaturated fats, which are important for the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels. They provide the body with biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, a dozen important phenolic acids, flavonoids and tannins. In addition, walnuts are very high in calories, and thanks to carbohydrates, they effectively help to satisfy hunger.

Walnuts (caloric content and nutritional value per 100 g):
- fats – 62.8 g (~78% daily value),
- proteins – 15.2 g (~19% daily value),
- carbohydrates – 10,1 g (~2–3%),
- fiber – 6,1 g (~30%),
- caloric content - 630-670 kcal.
Just one hundred grams of walnuts are comparable in calorie content with a whole liter of homemade milk or three medium-sized cutlets. And the protein of these nuts is not only not inferior to the animal, but is also easier to digest due to the presence of a special enzyme - lysine. Many vitamins and trace elements nourish the body, help restore strength and strengthen the immune system. It is no coincidence that walnuts have been considered a universal snack and a source of energy since the time of Alexander the Great.

What does Greece have to do with this
It would seem that the name speaks for itself: walnuts must be native to Greece. But that's not entirely true.
Nuts appeared in Southwest Asia - Persia and Mesopotamia, and from there spread throughout the world. Archaeologists find fossilized fruits on the territory of Iran, Turkey, Iraq and even near the Himalayas, and the oldest of them, as scientists suggest, grew about 10,000 years ago. The name often depends on which region the nuts came from to a particular country. That is, in our case, "Greek" means one that came from the Greeks, from Byzantium, with which the Russians actively traded. The Greeks themselves called the nut Persian or royal. And in Czech, Polish, Danish and other European languages, nuts appear under the name "Volosh", that is, they came from Wallachia (modern Romania). In the United States, the fruits were brought by the British, and therefore are called English. Interestingly, for example, in Afghanistan, the name of the nut was chosen for its appearance. There, the walnut is called charmarghz, which means "four brains."

Is it true that walnuts improve brain function
Vitamin E, folic acid, melatonin, omega-3, as well as antioxidants, which are part of walnuts, really have a beneficial effect on brain function. They improve memory and even have a slight sedative effect, reduce the level of stress and nervous overstrain. With regular use of nuts, the aging process of the brain slows down, sleep normalizes, and bouts of a sharp change in mood and hyperactivity in children pass.
But that's not all! Walnuts provide tremendous support to all body systems. Here are just some of the most striking benefits of their regular use.

Other benefits of walnuts
- Zinc and iodine in the composition are favorable for the health of the thyroid gland, the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
- Potassium and magnesium strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize the work of the cardiovascular and genitourinary system.
- A high concentration of iron helps fight anemia.
- Vitamins A, C, E slow down the aging process, resist external negative factors, have antioxidant properties.
- Walnuts have a low glycemic index - about 15-20 units, so they are allowed to eat in some forms of diabetes. They help maintain normal cholesterol levels, which is the prevention of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. Regular consumption of several walnuts a day will help normalize blood glucose levels.
- Phytosterols, gamma-tocopherol, omega-3, ellagic acid and polyphenols effectively help fight cancer. It is proved that walnuts are a good prevention of prostate and breast cancer.
- L-arginine and alpha-linolenic acid, which are part of the composition, are extremely important for those who suffer from heart disease or are predisposed to them. These substances prevent the pathological formation of blood clots, reduce the risk of heart attacks.
- For pregnant women, walnut will help to satisfy the feeling of hunger, raise hemoglobin in the blood, strengthen immunity, improve mood, relieve headaches.
- Walnuts are also useful for men. They have a positive effect on fertility, improve the viability and mobility of spermatozoa, can be used to improve potency, are useful for prostatitis and adenoma.
Who needs to eat walnuts with caution
With all the benefits of walnuts, they should be used with caution. First of all, because, like other nuts, it is a strong allergen. However, some allergy sufferers note that it is walnuts that do not cause them typical reactions in the form of itching and swelling.
Walnuts are also contraindicated for those who suffer from herpes, especially at the treatment stage. The fact is that a high concentration of arginine can cause a relapse of the disease. In small quantities and with caution, it is worth eating walnuts for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose and store walnuts
It is best to buy walnuts in the shell. Peeled kernels are not stored for a long time, mold can start in them, and therefore manufacturers who sell by weight often treat nuts with chemicals. In addition, improper storage can lead to the appearance of a bitter taste in nuts. If you still choose cleaned kernels, give preference to the product in an airtight package.

If you buy inshell nuts, take a good look at them, hold them in your hand and shake them slightly. So in a few seconds you will check whether they meet the main criteria:
- Color. The shell should be of uniform light color, without spots, dots and darkening.
- Weight. A fresh nut should feel quite weighty in the palm of your hand: heavier than it seems on the outside. A nut that is too light may be empty or dried.
- Sound. Shake the walnut and listen to if there is a sound. If the kernel inside the shell is mobile, then the nut has been stored for too long and dried. Such a product may be bitter or spoiled.
Peeled walnuts are best stored for no more than a month in an airtight jar in a cool place, such as the refrigerator. When stored in heat, the kernels may develop a bitter taste. Walnuts in the shell are properly stored in a dry place in a cloth bag, and not in polyethylene. So they will retain their taste and benefit for up to a year.

Three ways to dry walnuts and not spoil
If you need to keep a large batch of walnuts for a long time, be sure to dry them to prevent the appearance of mold. It is best to dry nuts in the open air, but before that the weather should be clear for at least 3-5 days.
Place the inshell walnuts on a cloth in one layer. It is not necessary to leave them in direct sunlight, you can dry them under a canopy to protect against possible rain. 1-2 times a day, slightly stir the nuts - so they dry evenly.
If the weather is rainy, you can dry the nuts in the oven. The most important thing is to sort the same sized kernels. If the difference is too large, then large nuts may not dry out, and small ones, on the contrary, dry out.
There are several methods of drying, which differ in time and temperature. Let's look at two options.
Drying at a temperature of +45 ° C.
- Preheat the oven to a temperature of +40-45 ° C.
- Place the nuts on a baking sheet and leave them in a slightly open oven for 3 hours. Stir periodically to dry evenly.
- Turn off the oven, close and leave the nuts there for another 30 minutes.
- Spread the hot nuts on a tray or on the table, leave until completely cooled.
Drying at a temperature of +90 ° C.
- Preheat the oven to +90 ° C.
- Put the nuts on for 2 hours.
- After the end of the time, turn off the oven and leave the nuts in it until completely cooled.
How to understand that the nuts have dried enough? Split one and try to break the nucleus. If it is moist and elastic inside, it means that the nuts are not yet ready to go for long-term storage. Such a product can become moldy. Well-dried kernels break easily, their skin is thin as a film and inelastic.

How to peel walnuts properly
So that the kernel remains intact, and peeling nuts does not turn into a dangerous game with a hammer or trade winds, it is worth knowing one simple secret. Pay attention to the structure of the shell: on one side of the walnut you will notice the tip, and on the other - a depression. In this recess you need to carefully insert the tip of a short knife or a special key for nuts and turn. So the nut will open, and the kernel will not suffer.

What is prepared from walnuts
Most often, walnuts are used to make pastries and desserts - both as a basic ingredient and as a decoration or filling. They are also found in recipes for hot and cold soups, cereals. Without walnuts, it is impossible to imagine traditional sauces of many peoples of the world: satsivi, baje, garo. On the basis of walnuts, tinctures, liqueurs and cognacs are prepared, as well as soft drinks.
The uniqueness of walnuts is that it is literally a waste-free product. In the kitchen, absolutely everything will come in handy - from the shell to the partitions between the kernels.

Green walnut fruits contain a lot of vitamin C. They are often used to make jam. It is important to have time to collect nuts barely ripe, because in overripe fruits the concentration of the vitamin decreases. Alcohol tincture from green fruits is used to treat a whole list of diseases: hypertension, osteochondrosis, infertility, etc.
Walnut kernels are most often used to make desserts. They are also good as an independent snack, topping to cottage cheese, ice cream or cocktail. They are added to salads and sauces, hot dishes. In oriental cuisine, walnut kernels are the basis of traditional desserts: baklava, churchkhela, sherbet, Turkish delight, kozinak, halva.

The partitions of the shell have a bitter taste. Tinctures are often made from them, but in crushed form they can act as a seasoning in the preparation of meat or fish.
Walnut shells in cooking are rarely used, mainly for the preparation of all the same tinctures and other alcoholic beverages. However, it is widely used in traditional medicine. And from the shell you can make crafts together with children!

Apples stuffed with walnuts
This healthy dish will appeal to those with a sweet tooth and adherents of proper nutrition. It can be consumed in the classic version or made more festive by adding a ball of vanilla ice cream and sprinkling powdered sugar. It is best to use sweet and sour varieties of hard apples for its preparation. So the dessert will not taste too cloying and will not spread.

- apples – 3 pcs.,
- dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins) – 1 handful,
- peeled walnuts – 6 halves,
- ground cinnamon – to taste,
- honey – 3 tsp.
Remove the core from the apples without cutting the fruit itself. This can be done with a special knife or a regular one. Wash dried fruits and nuts, chop and mix. Then put the filling of nuts and dried fruits in the middle of each apple, pour a teaspoon of honey on top and lightly sprinkle with cinnamon. Apples should be baked in the oven for about 15-20 minutes (depending on the size) at 180 degrees. Serve dessert hot.

From worship to extermination: interesting facts about the walnut
He was feared and revered, brought as a gift to the gods and bypassed. For 10,000 years, many interesting and even funny facts have accumulated about the walnut.
- The ancient Romans on the wedding day showered the bride and groom with kernels of peeled walnuts, thereby paying tribute to the goddess Juno, the patroness of marriage. It was believed that this would help the union not to be sterile.
- The Greeks called the nut the "seed of love" and considered it an aphrodisiac.
- French boys, in order to seduce the girl, put a leaf from a walnut tree in her shoes.
- In the Middle Ages, the status of the nut changed dramatically. Walnuts were used to treat headaches, but at the same time they were accused of it. So, travelers tried not to stop for the night near walnut trees, so as not to wake up with a migraine. The secret lies in the specific smell of the leaves. They can still be used today to prevent the appearance of moths in the closet.
- According to legend, in Italy in the XVII century, witches arranged a sabbath under a spreading nut. When, by order of the clergy, the tree was uprooted, the exact same one appeared in its place. Therefore, the walnut was bypassed: for example, it was not planted near the stables, so as not to cause diseases and pestilence of domestic animals.
- In France, walnuts, hung in small bags in the kitchen, promise the house good luck and well-being.
- In Armenia, the Walnut Festival is traditionally held in early October. It includes folk festivals, fairs and, of course, competitions in cracking nuts.