Vitamins for women's health


Vitamins are essential for women's health and play a variety of roles in the body.

A woman's specific nutritional needs change throughout her life cycle (1).

For example, adolescents have different nutritional needs than postmenopausal women, with pregnant and lactating women needing more specific nutrients than non-pregnant women.

In addition, nutritional needs may vary depending on your overall health and lifestyle.

Although not all women need vitamin supplementation, some women may need supplementation to reach the recommended intake.

This article reviews women's vitamins, including vitamin sources, dietary needs, and why some women can benefit from supplements.

Overview of vitamins and recommended intake

Vitamins fall into two categories: water-soluble and fat-soluble.

Water-soluble vitamins include eight vitamins B: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), and vitamin B12 (cobalamin), and vitamin C (2).

Vitamins a, d, e, and k are considered fat-soluble vitamins.

Water-soluble vitamins are not easily stored in your body and need to be constantly replenished through your diet. Fat-soluble vitamins, on the other hand, are stored in your body's tissues and retained for longer (3).

Depending on age and health status, women and adolescents need different vitamins every day.

the following are recommendations for water-soluble vitamin intake for women (456789101112):


age class











0.9 mg

0.9 mg


4 mg

1 mg

20 mcg


1.8 mcg

45 mg


1 mg

1 mg

14 MG NE

5 mg

1.2 mg

25 mcg


2.4 mcg

65 mg


1.1 mg


14 MG NE

5 mg

1.3 mg

30 mcg


2.4 mcg

75 mg


1.1 mg

1.1 mg

14 MG NE

5 mg

1.5 mg

30 mcg


2.4 mcg

75 mg


1.4 mg

1.4 mg

18 MG NE

6 mg

1.9 mg

30 mcg


2.6 mcg

85 mg


1.4 mg

1.6 mg

17 MG NE

7 mg

2 mg

35 mcg


2.8 mcg

120 mg

Please note that women who smoke need an additional 35 mg of vitamin C supplementation per day. In addition, pregnant and lactating women under 19 years of age require 5 mg less vitamin C per day than pregnant and lactating women aged 19 years or older (12).

The following are recommendations for fat-soluble vitamin intake for women (13141516):

age class





9 – 13


15 mcg (600 IU)

11 mg

60 mcg

14 – 18


15 mcg (600 IU)

15 mg

75 mcg

19 – 50


15 mcg (600 IU)

15 mg

90 mcg




15 mg

90 mcg

pregnancy (18 years and under)


15 mcg (600 IU)

15 mg

75 mcg

pregnancy (19 years and older)


15 mcg (600 IU)

15 mg

90 mcg

breastfeeding (18 years and under)

1200 MCG RAE

15 mcg (600 IU)

19 mg

75 mcg

breastfeeding (19 years and older)

1300 MCG RAE

15 mcg (600 IU)

19 mg

90 mcg

Notably, some people believe that the daily vitamin D requirements of pregnant and lactating women are much higher than currently recommended. This will be discussed later in this article (1718192021).

Vitamin function for women

Key body processes require water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, which is why vitamin deficiencies can lead to adverse health outcomes.

Water-soluble vitamin function

Water-soluble vitamins play many important roles in your body. Vitamins in the b group are perhaps known for their role in energy production, while vitamin c is best known for its role in the body's immune function.

However, these nutrients are also involved in many other key processes.

  • B1. Thiamine helps convert nutrients into energy and is necessary for normal cellular function. Pregnant women, women who have been taking dIUretics for a long time, and women who have undergone bariatric surgery are at greater risk of developing a thiamine deficiency. 22)。
  • B2. Riboflavin is necessary for energy production and growth and development. It also has the effect of an antioxidant. Pregnant and lactating women, women with eating disorders, and older women are at greater risk of B2 deficiency. 23)。
  • B3. Niacin is essential for nervous system function, energy production, and enzymatic responses. Niacin deficiency is rare in the United States, but women who do not consume enough foods rich in niacin may be at risk. 6)。
  • B5. Pantothenic acid is a precursor to Coenzyme A, which is required for various basic processes, such as the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. B5 deficiency is extremely rare (7).
  • B6. Pyridoxine is important for macronutrient metabolism, immune function, and neurotransmitter production. Certain populations, such as women with obesity and autoimmune diseases, are more likely to have lower vitamin B6 levels (24).
  • B7. Biotin plays a key role in the regulation of energy production and oxidative stress. Women who are pregnant, women who drink excessively, and women who take certain medications are more likely to have lower levels of biotin in their bodies (25).
  • B9. Folic acid is required to produce DNA, RNA, red blood cells, proteins, and neurotransmitters. Deficiencies can be caused by inadequate dietary intake, malabsorption, drug interactions, pregnancy, alcohol dependence, etc. 26)。
  • B12. B12 is essential for nerve function and the production of red blood cells and DNA. Deficiencies may be due to inadequate dietary intake or medical conditions, including autoimmune diseases and malabsorption (27).
  • Vitamin C. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant in immune function, collagen, and neurotransmitter production. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption increase the risk of vitamin C deficiency (28).

Note that choline is a water-soluble nutrient that is often grouped with b vitamins due to its similar function in the body. However, choline is not a vitamin and is present in both fat-soluble and water-soluble forms in the diet.

This nutrient plays an important role in brain development, metabolism, neurotransmitter synthesis, and more. Increased choline requirements during pregnancy and lactation (29).

Fat-soluble vitamin function

  • Vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for healthy vision, immune function, cell growth, and fetal development. Women with cystic fibrosis and women in developing countries are at greater risk of vitamin A deficiency (13).
  • Vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is common. This vitamin plays an important role in maintaining calcIUm levels, insulin production, and immune function. Obese women, older women, African American women, and hospitalized women are most likely to have deficiencies (30).
  • Vitamin E. As an antioxidant, vitamin E is necessary for cellular communication, blood vessels, and immune health. Vitamin E deficiency is rare but can occur in women with conditions that cause fat malabsorption. 31)。
  • Vitamin K. Vitamin K is important for bone and heart health and is also necessary for healthy blood clotting. Vitamin K deficiency can occur in women with certain genetic disorders and is caused by inadequate dietary intake or the use of certain medications. 32

Summary: vitamins play many important roles in the body. Depending on age and health status, women also have different needs for fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins throughout their lifetime.

Vitamins are needed for life

Women's lifelong nutritional needs vary.

Deficiencies are also more common at certain life stages, such as pregnancy, and in some cases, when women smoke or drink excessively or are diagnosed with a disease.

Keep in mind that this article focuses only on vitamins, not all nutrients.

Children and adolescents

Girls aged 9 to 13 years usually need fewer vitamins than older adolescents and women because of their smaller body size. However, adolescents over the age of 14 have similar vitamin needs to adults.

Studies have shown that adolescent girls are more likely to lack certain nutrients than the general population. For example, teenage girls are more susceptible to vitamin D and folic acid deficiencies (333435).

In less developed countries, vitamin A deficiency is also common in adolescent girls (36).

In addition, studies have shown that pregnant teens are more likely to not meet multi-nutrient intake recommendations, including vitamins e and d.

Manyteens' diets with low vitamin content put them at risk of vitamin deficiency, including during pregnancy, during which time most nutritional requirements are elevated (3738).

This is why it is recommended that all pregnant adolescents consume as many prenatal vitamins and a nutritious diet as possible (3738).

Women aged 19 – 50 years

Women of childbearing age are more likely to be deficient in multiple vitamins, including vitamins d and b6.

A study of more than 15,000 people found that nutritional deficiency risk, including B6 and vitamin D deficiencies, was most common in women aged 19 to 50 years (36).

Pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy and lactation, nutritional requirements increase to support the health of the fetus and mother. During pregnancy and lactation, the need for almost all water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins is higher.

As a result, pregnant and lactating women are at greater risk of vitamin deficiency (39).

In fact, as many as 30% of pregnant women worldwide are deficient in vitamins. For example, researchers estimate that 18-84% of pregnant women worldwide are deficient in vitamin D (4041).

In addition, there is evidence that current recommendations for certain vitamins, including vitamin d, in pregnant women are too low.

According to recent studies, pregnant women may need about 4,000 IU per day to maintain optimal vitamin D levels, while lactating women may need about 6,400 IU per day (1718192021).

Choline is another important nutrient for fetal and maternal health. Studies have shown that most pregnant women in the United States do not consume the recommended 450 mg of choline every day. Unfortunately, many prenatal vitamins do not contain choline (42).

Elderly women

Postmenopausal and older women are more susceptible to vitamins A, C, D, K, B12, folic acid, B6, B1, and B2 (4344454647).

Older adults often have an inadequate diet and take medications that may lower vitamin levels in their bodies, increasing their risk of developing one or more vitamin deficiencies.

Special considerations

Due to inadequate dietary vitamin intake and vitamin malabsorption, women who smoke or drink too much alcohol are more likely to develop vitamin deficiencies.

Women with certain medical conditions, including type 2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and gastrointestinal disorders, are more likely than the general population to lack one or more vitamins.

Studies have also shown that obese women are more susceptible to vitamin deficiencies, including B12 and vitamin D. 48

In addition, women who undergo bariatric surgery are more likely to develop vitamin deficiencies (49).

African-American women are more likely to be deficient in vitamin D, in part because they have higher concentrations of melanin, a skin pigment, which blocks the UVB sunlight needed to produce vitamin D in their skin. 50

Finally, vitamin deficiencies are common in women with eating disorders and women who follow restrictive diets. 515253

Summary: nutritional needs change throughout a woman's lifetime. Some women are more likely to develop nutritional deficiencies due to factors such as increased nutritional needs, inadequate dietary intake, and malabsorption.

Dietary source of vitamins

Most vitamins are concentrated in a variety of foods. Some are more readily available in animal foods, while others are more concentrated in plant foods.

  • Vitamin B1: Wheat germ, seafood, legumes, rice, sunflower seeds, fortified foods such as breakfast cereals
  • Vitamin B2: Offal, fortified grain products, dairy products, eggs, mushrooms, seafood, almonds, chicken, quinoa
  • Vitamin B3: Offal, chicken, turkey, seafood, beef, rice, fortified grain products, peanuts, sunflowers, and pumpkin seeds
  • Vitamin B5: Offal, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, chicken, avocados, seafood, potatoes, eggs, yogurt, beef, broccoli, chickpeas, fortified grain products
  • Vitamin B6: Chickpeas, offal, seafood, chicken, potatoes, turkey, bananas, beef, Marola sauce, cottage cheese
  • Vitamin B7: Offal, eggs, seafood, beef, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, almonds, spinach
  • Vitamin B9: Offal, spinach, legumes, asparagus, brussels sprouts, avocado, broccoli, mustard greens, wheat germ
  • Vitamin B12: Seafood, offal, nutritional yeast, beef, dairy products, eggs, chicken
  • Vitamin C: Peppers, citrus fruits, kiwifruit, broccoli, strawberries, cantaloupe, cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes
  • Vitamin A: Prefabricated vitamin A is found in animal foods such as offal, cheese, and eggs; provitamin A carotenoids are found in plant foods such as sweet potatoes, spinach, and carrots
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D is found in only a few foods, including fatty fish such as salmon and beef liver; certain foods such as milk contain it
  • Vitamin E: Wheat germ, sunflower seeds, sunflower oil, almonds, peanut butter, spinach, broccoli
  • Vitamin k: K2 is mainly found in animal foods and fermented foods, including natto ; K1 is concentrated in vegetables such as kale and kale

Summary: vitamins can be found in a variety of foods, including animal and plant-based products.

When to make up

Although a healthy and balanced diet should always be maintained to promote optimal vitamin intake, women do not always get all the vitamins they need through diet alone.

The following groups of women may need to supplement with one or more vitamins to achieve and maintain optimal levels:

  • elderly women
  • African American women
  • women with certain medical conditions
  • those who follow a diet that eliminates certain food groups
  • women with eating disorders
  • women who smoke or drink heavily
  • obese women
  • pregnant woman
  • women who use common prescription medications, such as proton pump inhibitors and hypoglycemic drugs (54)

In addition to eating a varied, nutritious diet, pregnant and lactating women are advised to take prenatal supplements before, during, and after pregnancy.

Doing so may help maintain healthy nutrient levels and support their bodies through pregnancy, breastfeeding, and postpartum recovery (55).

Although health professionals are concerned about the importance of increasing vitamin intake during pregnancy and lactation, studies have shown that many women are deficient in certain nutrients during and after pregnancy. 54

For women over the age of 50, most experts recommend the use of B12 or B-multivitamins because of the high incidence of b12 malabsorption from food in aging populations. 5657)

Vitamin d deficiencies and deficiencies are widespread. Women, especially those with obesity or certain medical conditions, as well as pregnant or elderly women, should have their vitamin d levels checked to determine the appropriate amount of supplementation.

Women at risk of developing vitamin deficiencies should work with healthcare providers to develop appropriate and safe supplementation regimens tailored to their specific needs.

When choosing a vitamin supplement, be sure to buy a high-quality product from a trusted company. If you have questions about vitamin brand, vitamin form, or dosage, consult your healthcare provider for advice.

Summary: some women are unable to meet their vitamin needs through diet alone and may need vitamin supplementation. It's important to work with a knowledgeable healthcare provider to develop a complementary program that's right for you.


Vitamins are essential for women's health and play a variety of roles in the body.

While most vitamins are concentrated in many foods and adequate intake can be achieved through a comprehensive diet, some women cannot meet their vitamin needs through diet alone.

Certain factors and conditions, including age, pregnancy and breastfeeding, medical conditions, medication use, and lifestyle choices, increase a woman's risk of vitamin deficiency.

Women who are concerned that they may be at risk of vitamin deficiency or are interested in optimizing their vitamin intake should work with a qualified healthcare provider to ensure optimal dosage, safety, and necessity.


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