what are the most common causes of blurred vision?

when your vision is blurred, you seem to be looking at the world through a foggy window. 

cloudy vision makes your world look foggy.

when you can't see clearly what's around you, it affects your quality of life. that's why it's important to find the root cause of blurred vision.


what is the difference between blurred vision and cloudy vision?

many people confuse blurred vision with cloudy vision. although they are similar and may be caused by the same conditions, they are different.

  • blurred vision is when things don't seem focused. squinting your eyes may help you see more clearly.
  • cloudy vision means that you seem to be looking at haze or fog. colors may also look soft or faded. squinting doesn't help you see things more keenly. 


blurred and cloudy vision are sometimes accompanied by symptoms such as headache, eye pain, and halo.

if left untreated, some conditions that cause blurred or cloudy vision can lead to vision loss.

what are the most common causes of blurred vision?


there are many potential causes of blurred vision. let's take a closer look at some of the most common:



a cataract is one of the condition shots where your eyes become cloudy. your lens is usually transparent, so cataracts make you look like you're looking through a foggy window. this is the most common cause of blurred vision.

as cataracts continue to evolve, they can interfere with your daily life and make it more difficult to see things clearly.

most cataracts develop slowly, so they will only affect your vision as they grow. cataracts usually develop in both eyes, but at different speeds. cataracts in one eye may develop faster than the other, which can lead to differences in vision between the eyes.

age is the biggest risk factor for cataracts. this is because age-related changes cause the lens tissue to break down and come together, forming cataracts.

cataracts are also more common in the following populations:


  • have diabetes
  • have high blood pressure
  • long-term use of steroid medications
  • i have had eye surgery before
  • there is some type of eye injury


symptoms of cataracts include:

  • cloudy or blurred vision.
  • difficult to see at night or in low light.
  • see the glow around the lights.
  • sensitive to light.
  • the color looks faded.
  • frequently change glasses or contact lens prescriptions.
  • one-eye diplopia.


for early cataracts, there are changes you can make to help relieve symptoms, such as using brighter lights indoors, wearing anti-glare sunglasses, and reading with a magnifying glass.

however, surgery is the only effective way to treat cataracts. when your cataract interferes with your daily life or degrades your quality of life, your doctor may recommend surgery.

during the procedure, your cloudy lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. surgery is an outpatient procedure and you can usually go home on the same day.

cataract surgery is generally very safe and has a high success rate.

for a few days after surgery, you will need to use eye drops and wear a protective eye mask while you sleep. you can usually do normal activities a few days after surgery. however, a full recovery can take several weeks.


Fox is malnourished

Fuchs malnutrition is a disease that affects the cornea.

The cornea has a layer of cells called the endothelium that pumps fluid out of the cornea and keeps vision clear. In Fuchs malnutrition, endothelial cells die slowly, resulting in fluid effusions in the cornea. This can lead to blurred vision.

Many people do not have any symptoms in the early stages of fuchs malnutrition. The first symptom is usually blurred vision in the morning and sunny during the day.


later symptoms may include:

  • blurred or cloudy vision throughout the day.
  • small blisters on the cornea; these may rupture and cause eye pain.
  • there's a sense of tenacity in your eyes.
  • sensitive to light.


Fuchs malnutrition is more common in women and people with a family history. Symptoms usually appear after the age of 50 years.

Treatment of Fuchs malnutrition depends on the extent to which the disease affects the eye and may include:

  • eye drops to reduce swelling.
  • use a heat source, such as a hair dryer, to help dry the corneal surface.
  • if the symptoms are severe and there is no response to other treatments, only corneal. transplantation of endothelial cells or intact cornea is performed.


Macular degeneration

macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss. this happens when the middle part of the retina — the part of the eye that sends images to the brain — degenerates.

there are two types of macular degeneration: wet and dry.

most macular degenerations are dry macular degenerations. this is caused by the accumulation of small deposits called vitreous warts in the center of the retina.

wet macular degeneration is caused by abnormal blood vessels and leakage fluids that form behind the retina.

at first, you may not notice any symptoms. eventually it can lead to wavy, cloudy, or blurred vision.

age is the biggest risk factor for macular degeneration. this is more common in people over the age of 55.

other risk factors include family history, ethnicity (more common in caucasians), and smoking. you can reduce your risk by:

  • non-smoking
  • protect your eyes when you're out
  • eat a healthy, nutritious diet
  • exercise regularly

there is no cure for macular degeneration. however, you may slow down its progress.


for wet macular degeneration, you and your doctor may consider two treatments to slow progression:

  • laser therapy. this therapy may also help slow the progression of wet macular degeneration.

Diabetic retinopathy

diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that damages blood vessels in the retina.

it is due to too much sugar in the blood blocking the blood vessels connected to the retina, thus cutting off its blood supply. new blood vessels grow in the eye, but these blood vessels do not develop properly in people with diabetic retinopathy.

anyone with type 1 or type 2 diabetes may develop diabetic retinopathy. the longer you develop diabetes, the more likely you are to develop diabetes, especially if your blood sugar is poorly controlled.

other factors that increase the risk of diabetic retinopathy include:

  • have high blood pressure.
  • have high cholesterol.
  • smoke.


early diabetic retinopathy may not cause any symptoms. in later stages, symptoms may include:

  • blurred or cloudy vision.
  • pastel color.
  • blank or dark areas in the field of view.
  • floaters (black spots in the field of vision).
  • decreased vision.


in early diabetic retinopathy, you may not need treatment. your doctor may simply monitor your vision to see when treatment is started.

more severe diabetic retinopathy will require surgery. this can stop or slow the progression of diabetic retinopathy, but if diabetes continues to be poorly managed, it may develop again.

treatment may include:

  • photocoagulation, which uses a laser to stop blood vessel leakage.
  • total retinal photocoagulation, using a laser to constrict abnormal blood vessels.
  • vitrectomy involves removing blood and scar tissue through a small incision in the eye.



What causes sudden blurred vision in one or both eyes?

over time, most of the causes of blurred vision get worse. but in some cases, one or both of your eyes may suddenly develop blurred vision.

these include:

  • eye injuries, such as an eye hit.
  • your eyes are infected. herpes, syphilis, tuberculosis, and toxoplasmosis are potential eye infections that can lead to sudden blurred vision.
  • inflamed eyes. when white blood cells are anxious to control swelling and inflammation, they destroy eye tissue and cause vision to suddenly opacify. inflammation of the eye is usually caused by an autoimmune disease, but can also be caused by infection or injury.


when to see an ophthalmologist

occasional or slightly cloudy vision may be nothing to worry about. however, if the cloudiness persists for more than a day or two, you should see a doctor.

you should also see a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • changes in your vision
  • dual vision
  • see the flash
  • sudden eye pain
  • severe eye pain
  • the feeling of tenacity in your eyes doesn't go away
  • a sudden headache



when your vision is blurred, you seem to be looking at the world through a foggy window.

cataracts are the most common cause of blurred vision. most cataracts develop slowly, but usually get worse over time. cataract surgery is the most effective treatment to help restore vision.

Other less common causes of blurred vision include Fuchs malnutrition, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy.

if your vision becomes cloudy, discuss the underlying causes and treatments with your doctor.

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