what is the difference between Asperger's syndrome and autism?

The most important thing here is that Asperger's is no longer a functional term. The signs that have been used to diagnose the disease more firmly belong to the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.

You may hear many people linking Asperger's Syndrome with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Asperger's disease was previously thought to be different from autism. But the Asperger's diagnosis was over. Signs and symptoms that were once part of the Asperger's diagnosis now belong to autism spectrum disorder.

There is a historical difference between the term "Asperger's" and what is called "autism." But it's worth taking a closer look at what exactly Asperger's is and why it is now considered part of the autism spectrum disorder.

read on to learn more about these diseases.



not all children with autism show the same signs of autism or experience the same degree of these signs.

this is why autism is considered to be within a range. there is a wide range of behaviors and experiences that are considered to fall under the category of autism diagnosis.

here's a brief overview of the behaviors that can lead someone to be diagnosed with autism:


  • differences in dealing with sensory experiences such as touch or sound with those who are considered "neurotypical" are
  • differences in learning styles and problem-solving methods, such as quickly learning complex or difficult topics, but having difficulty mastering physical tasks or conversations taking turns
    with a deep, sustained special interest in a particular topic
  • repetitive movements or behaviors (sometimes called "stimuli"), such as clapping hands or rocking back and forth
  • there is a strong desire to maintain a daily routine or establish order, such as following the same schedule every day or sorting out personal belongings in some way
  • difficulty processing and communicating verbally or nonverbally, such as difficulty expressing thoughts in words or expressing emotions externally
  • difficulty dealing with or participating in neurotypical social interaction environments, such as greeting people who come back to say hello


About Asperger's syndrome


Asperger's syndrome was previously thought to be a "mild" or "high-functioning" form of autism.

this means that people who receive a diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome tend to experience autistic behaviors that are often considered to differ little from those of neuronally normal people.



This happens because British psychiatrist Lorna Wing translated the work of Austrian physician Hans Asperger and realized that his research found that children with autism have distinct characteristics from those with "milder" symptoms.


Diagnostic criteria for Asperger's syndrome

Here's a short summary of the diagnostic criteria for Asperger's disease from previous versions of DSM (many of which may seem familiar):


  • difficulties with verbal or nonverbal communication, such as eye contact or sarcasm
  • there are few or no long-term social relationships with peers
  • lack of interest in participating in activities or interest in others
  • there is little response to social or emotional experiences
  • have a constant interest in a single special topic or very few topics
  • strict adherence to routine or ritual behavior
  • repeat the behavior or action
  • as a result of these previously listed signs, difficulties are encountered in maintaining relationships, work, or other aspects of daily life
  • there is no delay in language learning or cognitive development, which is unique to other similar neurodevelopmental conditions


as of 2013, Asperger's is now considered part of the autism spectrum and is no longer diagnosed as a separate disorder.


Asperger's and autism: what's the difference?

Asperger's and autism are no longer considered separate diagnoses. people who may have previously been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome will now receive an autism diagnosis.

but many people diagnosed with Asperger's disease before the change in diagnostic criteria in 2013 are still considered "Asperger's disease."

many also consider Asperger's to be part of their identity. this is especially considering that many communities around the world still surround the stigma surrounding the diagnosis of autism.

however, the only real "difference" between the two diagnoses is that people with Asperger's disease may be considered more likely to "pass" as neurotypical patients, with only "mild" signs and symptoms that may resemble autism.


Are treatment options for Asperger's and autism different?

diseases previously diagnosed as Asperger's and autism are not diseases that need "treatment."

those diagnosed with autism are considered "nerve divergence." autistic behavior is not considered typical of society. but that doesn't mean autism indicates something wrong with you.

most importantly, you or someone in your life who has been diagnosed with autism knows that they are loved, accepted, and supported by those around them.

not everyone in the autistic community agrees that people with autism don't need medical care.

there has been a debate among those who see autism as a disease about disability that requires medical care ("medical model") and those who think autism is "treated" to ensure forms of disability rights, such as fair employment practices and medicare.

here are some treatment options for Asperger's if you think you or your loved one needs treatment for behaviors traditionally seen as part of Asperger's diagnosis:

  • speech or speech therapy
  • dietary adjustments or supplements
  • complementary treatment options, such as massage therapy


The most important thing here is that Asperger's is no longer a functional term. The signs that have been used to diagnose the disease more firmly belong to the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.

a diagnosis of autism does not mean that you or your loved one has a "condition" that needs to be "treated." the most important thing is that you love and accept yourself or any autistic person you know.

Understanding the nuances of autism spectrum disorder can help you begin to understand that the experience of autism spectrum disorder is everyone's experience. There is no one term that fits all.

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