Can I increase my height?

Can I increase my height after the age of 18?

Height is largely determined by heredity, and most people don't grow taller after the age of 18.

Many people are not happy with their height.

But is there any way?

If you've ever asked this question, you're not alone. Some people claim that good nutrition or special exercise can increase your height as an adult.

This article discusses whether you can increase your height after the age of 18.

What determines your height?

Before discussing whether you can change your height as an adult, it's important to first consider what determines your height.

The simple answer is genetics, but that's not all.

Studying twins is one-way scientists can determine the extent to which genetics affect height (1).

In general, the height of the twins is highly correlated. This means that if one twin is tall, the other may also be tall (2).

Based on studies of twins, it is estimated that 60-80% of the differences in height between people are caused by heredity (2, 34).

The other 20-40% are due to environmental factors such as nutrition (5).

Global height trends help demonstrate the importance of nutritional and lifestyle factors.

A large study, including 18.6 million people, looked at height changes over the last century.

The study found that in many countries, the per capita height in 1996 was higher than in 1896 (6).

Improvements in nutritional intake in these countries may be responsible for this change.

Summary: Scientists estimate that about 60-80% of height differences are caused by genetics and 20-40% by environmental factors such as nutrition. In many countries, the average height has increased over the last century.

For most people, height does not increase after the age of 18

Even with a healthy diet, most people don't increase their height after 18 to 20 years of age.

The following graph shows the growth rate from birth to age 20. As you can see, the growth line drops to zero between the ages of 18 and 20 (78).

The reason your height stops increasing is because of your bones, especially your growth plates.

Growth plates or epiphyseal plates are special areas of cartilage near the ends of long bones.

The increase in height is mainly due to your long bones getting longer because the growth plates are still active or "open".

Towards the end of puberty, hormonal changes cause the growth plate to harden or "shut down" and the prolongation of the bones stops (9).

Growth plates close around the age of 16 years for women and between the ages of 14 and 19 years for men (10).

Although most adults do not experience true long bone growth, there are usually some slight daily height changes.

The cause of this change throughout the day is a slight compression of the intervertebral discs in the spine (1112).

Daily activities affect cartilage and fluids in the spine and lead to a slight decrease in height over time (111213).

This height loss during the day can be as high as about half an inch (1.5 cm) (141516).

Some studies have shown that the height of the discs in your spine may continue to increase in adulthood, but has little effect on overall height (17).

Summary: For most people, height does not increase after 18 to 20 years due to the closure of the growth plates in the bones. Compression and decompression of the spinal discs can lead to small changes in height throughout the day.

No movement or stretching technique can make you taller


A common height myth is that certain exercises or stretching techniques can make you grow taller.

Many claims that activities such as hanging, climbing, using handstand tables and swimming can increase height.

Unfortunately, there is no good evidence to support these claims.

Indeed, your height changes slightly throughout the day due to compression and decompression of the cartilage disc in your spine (12).

By decompressing your discs, some of these activities may temporarily increase your height to a small extent (18).

However, this is not really a change in height, as any change would quickly reverse (121319).

Summary: Exercises and techniques that promise to increase adult height are not supported by science. They may cause small temporary changes in height, but these effects will not last.


Exercise, including weight lifting, may not affect your height

Many people worry that exercise, especially weight lifting, can damage your height.

Some of these concerns are directed at children and adolescents whose growth plates have not yet been closed.

The cartilage of the growth plate is more fragile and may be more susceptible to damage than the mature bones formed in adulthood.

However, most studies show that weight training is safe and beneficial for people of all ages, as long as proper supervision is in place.

In addition, studies have shown that weight training before adulthood does not reduce the growth rate (20).

Most sports medicine doctors and specialists also agree that children and teens don't need to avoid weight training.

One study asked 500 sports medicine experts whether weight lifting should be avoided before a person's growth plate was closed (21).

85% of experts say there is no need to avoid weightlifting, and only 10% believe it is best to avoid weight training.

In addition, other studies have shown that the main problem with weight training injuries is lack of supervision or improper use of equipment (2223).

In adults, growth plates have closed and become stronger than in childhood. Therefore, the risk of growth plate damage is not the main problem.

In fact, lifting weights can cause mild compression of the intervertebral discs in adults. However, this is reversible and also occurs in normal daily activities (13161924).

One potential cause of concern is injuries such as herniated discs.

In this case, the size and health of the discs in your spine may be affected, and the height may drop slightly (17).

Summary: With proper supervision and technology, weightlifting is safe for people of all ages. It doesn't seem to affect height before or during adulthood. However, 

A healthy lifestyle before the age of 18 can help you reach your height potential

Although you may not be able to change your height significantly as an adult, there are steps you can take to maximize your height potential as a teenager.

Overall, you want to make sure you eat enough and that you are not deficient in any vitamins or minerals.

While many children eat enough (or even too much), the quality of their diets tends to be poor (25).

Because of this, many people in modern society are deficient in important nutrients such as vitamin D and calcium (26).

These nutrients are important for bone growth and overall health (2728).

Calcium in the diet alters hormone production in a way that benefits bones. Vitamin D may also improve bone health (2930).

A good way to combat nutrient deficiencies and promote optimal bone growth is to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables (3132).

Consuming enough protein is also important for bone health, although some people question whether high protein intake can damage bones.

However, a large analysis of 36 studies found that higher protein intake was not harmful to your bones. In fact, higher protein intake is beneficial for bone density in the spine (33).

One way to increase your protein intake is to try to consume at least 20 grams of protein per meal.

Good sources of protein include eggs, poultry, lean meats, and dairy products. Soybeans and other legumes are also rich in protein.

While proper nutrition in childhood is essential to reach the highest height, there may be differences between men and women.

Some studies have shown that environmental factors such as nutrition may have a greater impact on women's height than men's.

This may be due in part to differences in access to food and medical care or the high incidence of osteoporosis in women (34).

Other lifestyle choices, such as not smoking, may also benefit your height during development (35).

However, it is important to remember that while lifestyle factors in childhood can affect height, a person's final height is still largely determined by heredity.

Summary: Eating enough during childhood and adolescence and avoiding nutrient deficiencies can help maximize your growth potential.

Certain medical conditions may cause an increase in adult height

While most adults don't grow tall after age 18 to 20, there are exceptions to this rule.

First, the closure of the growth plate can be found in some individuals (3637).

If the growth plate remains open after age 18 to 20 years, which is uncommon, height may continue to increase.

Second, some people suffer from gigantism. This condition can lead to overgrowth, usually due to excessive production of growth hormone (GH) (38).

However, these people usually only increase their height until their growth plates close around the age of 22 (39).

In addition, a form of hemochromatosis, a condition in which excess iron is absorbed in the intestines, can also lead to increased height (40).

In general, these conditions may increase in height until the growth plate closes.

Summary: Some rare medical conditions may lead to height gain after age 18, but this usually only occurs when the growth plate is not closed.

What can you do about your height?

If you're an adult who isn't happy with your height, there are a few things you can try:

  •   Practice good posture: Poor posture can deprive anyone of a few inches of height.
  •     Try high heels or inserts: Choose shoes with higher heels or place inserts in shoes to increase height by a few inches.
  •   Increased muscle makes you look and feel stronger: If you feel small overall, lifting weights to increase muscle can make you more muscular and confident.

While these simple strategies may help, some people will take more extreme measures, such as medical or surgical measures.

Some of these procedures involve lengthening the bones of the lower leg (4142).

However, due to the invasive and expensive nature of these procedures, many people do not opt for such drastic measures. These procedures are even banned in some countries.

Others seek growth hormone (GH) therapy. Although GH can improve the height of malformed children, this treatment has little benefit for adults (4344 ).

Ultimately, it is advisable to find a way to accept your height instead of considering more extreme measures.

Summary: There are some simple tricks you can try to make yourself look taller or help you better understand your height. Some resort to more invasive medical procedures.

Accept your height

While you may not be able to increase your height as you please, there are a few things you can do to help yourself accept your current height.

Being aware that height is not everything helps.

No matter what your body shape is, you can be happy and successful. In fact, throughout history, there have been many happy and successful people who have been short.

While some argue that being short in stature puts you at a psychological disadvantage, scientists debate whether this is true (4546).

Researchers also advocate for the idea of using coping strategies and focusing on things other than height (47).

Listing your best qualities, both physical and non-physical, may help improve your prospects.

In addition, you can focus on other areas of self-improvement. Losing weight or gaining muscle may give you the extra confidence you seek.

Summary: If you want to be taller, probably the best thing you can do is learn to accept your current height. Focusing on your strengths and good qualities can help you through the process.


Height is largely determined by heredity, and most people don't grow taller after the age of 18.

However, proper nutrition in childhood and adolescence can help you maximize your height.

If you're not happy with your height, you may want to consider some simple strategies to make yourself look and feel the best.

These may include maintaining good posture, wearing insoles or high heels, or lifting weights to gain muscle.

What's more, focusing on your strengths and other areas of self-improvement can take your attention away from your height.

At the end of the day, you can't change a hand in your life, but you can manage to make the most of it.

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